Thumbs Up Ruck
John Collier John Collier

Thumbs Up Ruck

On Thursday evening, October 29th, Rucker’s time here on earth came to an end and now his new heavenly life has begun. He passed away comfortably at home with his Daddy, Momma and his little brother Charlie at his side. He was “safe and good” as we would often say to comfort him, “right where he needed to be.”

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Patient, Hopeful, Grounded
Ann Berkmeier Ann Berkmeier

Patient, Hopeful, Grounded

As you may be aware, Rucker has had a rough summer.  The disease progressed into his central nervous system, which caused him to experience some significant neurological issues - ex. headaches, lower limb movement problems, vision impairment, lethargy, etc.  He has been uncomfortable for most of the summer, and it has weighed heavily on Katie and John.

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Katie Collier Katie Collier


Rucker is stable but still very sleepy. He doesn’t like stay awake for more than a couple of minutes. This could be a result of increased pressure, disease around his brain, and/or side effects of radiation (he’s been able to get three rounds so far). The good news is he hasn’t been in pain (or it has been pretty minimal). His stats are much improved.

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Your Prayers are Working! Keep them Coming!
Katie Collier Katie Collier

Your Prayers are Working! Keep them Coming!

John and I cannot begin to thank you all for the amazing love and support you continue to provide us. We are so grateful to be fighting another day with this amazing child and with our army of supporters behind us.

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Prayers Needed
Katie Collier Katie Collier

Prayers Needed

After 17 days of Rucker battling severe headaches and nausea, we found out yesterday that the cancer has spread to Rucker’s brain. This is obviously not news that we had been expecting at this point. In fact, scans of his brain just two weeks ago were clear.

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Long Overdue Update (We Know!)
Katie Collier Katie Collier

Long Overdue Update (We Know!)

Apologies for such a long hiatus from posting updates. We know we've dropped the ball and you deserve better from us, but we've been busy! First thing's first - we know most of you are here to see how Rucker is doing.

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Update: 8.26.19 - New treatment plan
John Collier John Collier

Update: 8.26.19 - New treatment plan

Rucker will begin his new treatment plan tomorrow. First we will do preliminary scans and tests, then begin a chemotherapy called Trabectedin, which has shown some efficacy for advanced soft tissue sarcoma. The drug is intended to keep the cancer cells from multiplying.

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August 16, 2019 Update
John Collier John Collier

August 16, 2019 Update

The surgery is complete and it went very well. The surgeon, Dr. Wall, went in thoracoscopically so it was minimally invasive.

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Prepping for Surgery
Katie Collier Katie Collier

Prepping for Surgery

We are at The Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital at Stanford and we’re ready to go! Rucker wore his favorite “muscle shirt” and is in great spirits. Surgery begins in about thirty minutes (12:00 Pacific Time). They’re prepping him now and he is feeling great!

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Katie Collier Katie Collier


Did we say we love our community and supporters? Wow, you guys work fast. Please keep the prayers and support coming! As John said in his last update, we are seeking out the best treatment options and expert opinions available for Rucker.

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Update 8.1.2019 - Recurrence
John Collier John Collier

Update 8.1.2019 - Recurrence

On Tuesday, upon scanning his upper extremities, we found that his cancer has returned to his lungs. This recurrence, while shocking, was not altogether surprising. In fact, we have been mentally trying to prepare for this all along, due to the stubborn nature of sarcomas.

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The Sweet Spot
Katie Collier Katie Collier

The Sweet Spot

Apologies for the lack of updates, but we’ve been busy this summer! Rucker turned FIVE in June 🙌🏻 and is doing well on his new daily medication. He is enjoying being a regular kid! Summer activities - golf, tennis camp, fishing, trips to the beach and lake with cousins, going to school, and physical therapy - he loves it all! We’re calling this the “sweet spot.”

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A Little Spring Break Setback…But Doing Great
Katie Collier Katie Collier

A Little Spring Break Setback…But Doing Great

During Spring Break, Rucker’s right knee became inflamed near his surgery site from his previous femur operation. Apparently all of his new activity and possibly a little growth spurt made his bones shift in his leg and one of the pins that had been placed in his leg actually popped out of his knee!

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Successful Surgery and Settled in for the Night
Katie Collier Katie Collier

Successful Surgery and Settled in for the Night

Rucker came out of surgery a little groggy and in some pain, but slept peacefully for most of the afternoon and evening. Our surgeon Dr. Bierle was very confident she got all of the nodules out, including a few very small ones that weren’t detected on imaging.

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Surgery Started
John Collier John Collier

Surgery Started

Rucker has been taken back to the operating room and his surgery has begun. They will be performing surgery to remove five tumors in both lungs. It should last roughly four hours.

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Surgery Round 2 in Birmingham
Katie Collier Katie Collier

Surgery Round 2 in Birmingham

Quick update - Rucker just went into surgery at Children’s to have his left kidney and the primary tumor removed. He was in good spirits and telling jokes as he was wheeled off!

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Surgery Day in Houston
John Collier John Collier

Surgery Day in Houston

Today we are at MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, Texas.  This morning Rucker underwent curettage surgery on his right femur to remove the tumor that has been causing him so much trouble since June, when he first broke his leg. 

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Rucker Update: “I Ain’t Afraid of No Surgeries”
Will Berkmeier Will Berkmeier

Rucker Update: “I Ain’t Afraid of No Surgeries”

Hey everyone, Uncle Will here with an update on Rucker, our Smooth Criminal (see below pics from Halloween).  Unfortunately, Rucker still has cancer.  That’s the bad news.  It would have been pretty cool if they let me do the “Rucker Is Cancer-free!” post though.  Can I call dibs on that one?

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It is Football Season!
John Collier John Collier

It is Football Season!

Not only is it football season, but Rucker has had a couple of interesting days last week to say the least.  Last Wednesday, he and I were invited to Tuscaloosa and the Mal Moore Athletic Facility for a tour and to attend an Alabama Football practice. It was an incredible experience lifting both of our spirits.

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