Prayers Needed

Friends, Family, & Continuous supporters, 

It has been a while since we updated you on Rucker’s condition.  We have had a very busy Winter and Spring to say the least, and things have been going well (relatively speaking) for the most part with Rucker’s treatment and our search for a cure. So much has been happening behind the scenes with the SEF study at CCTDI and new trials with potentially curative treatment are opening up very soon. 

However, we have recently reached a point where we greatly need your help in the form of prayers, positive thoughts, and good energy.

After 17 days of Rucker battling severe headaches and nausea, we found out yesterday that the cancer has spread to Rucker’s brain. This is obviously not news that we had been expecting at this point. In fact, scans of his brain just two weeks ago were clear.  

But as we committed to do from the start, we are NOT giving up.

Over the past 18 hours, John has been working furiously with our oncologist at Children’s and the team of experts that he has assembled (literally) around the globe.  We still have several options to pursue, but we need to get Rucker to a place where he is comfortable and can tolerate both travel and treatment.

To say that his headaches have been debilitating would be an understatement.  He has been unable to sit upright and eat for the past several days and we have all been praying for relief.  He has been at Children’s since last Thursday and has been receiving fluids and pain medication to help him cope with the headaches and nausea.  This has helped comfort him, but it has also sedated him greatly, and we long for a brief glimpse of that adorable Rucker smile and spunk.

Now that it is clear that the cancer in his brain is the root cause of his headaches and nausea (and in Rucker’s case, like most issues that we’ve battled from day one of his diagnosis, this was not easy to identify and he once again had the doctors stumped), our oncology team is starting radiation on his brain and steroids today under the premise that this should give him relief to allow us to get to the next step.

Again, we are NOT GIVING UP.

We have options after we get through this, we just need to get through this.

Please join us again in prayer, meditation, and positive energy to help Rucker’s body power on through. Please pray for nourishment to strengthen his body, for the radiation and steroids to kill the cancer and/or stop it from progressing, and for his pain to subside ASAP. 

As always, we are truly grateful for you and your support.

All the best,


Your Prayers are Working! Keep them Coming!


Long Overdue Update (We Know!)