Update 8.1.2019 - Recurrence

Unfortunately, Rucker’s disease has returned to his lungs. 

Last weekend, we went to the hospital as result of Rucker having leg pain and a fever. We scanned his legs and determined that the spots in his legs were enhanced, but not bigger. On Tuesday, upon scanning his upper extremities, we found that his cancer has returned to his lungs. This recurrence, while shocking, was not altogether surprising. In fact, we have been mentally trying to prepare for this all along, due to the stubborn nature of sarcomas. You may have heard us say something like, “we are in a good spot right now” and that is because we have known most of the time that recurrence was likely.

That knowledge did not make this news any easier to swallow. This means that the therapy he has been through to this point has been unsuccessful in eliminating the disease from his body.

Where do we go from here? 

1) We are actively seeking trials for which he may be a candidate. We are actively seeking unconventional approaches, such as immunotherapy that may be possible to treat his disease. 

2) If no immunotherapy options are available, we will likely restart with a new type of chemotherapy in the hopes of stemming the growth, or better yet, decreasing his existing tumors. 

3) Realistically, with conventional measures, we are hoping to extend Rucker’s life at this point as long as we can. Cancer research is moving at the speed of light all around us.  I truly believe we will find a cure for most of this stuff in my lifetime. We just need to find a breakthrough for Rucker.    

We are at a point where conventional treatment options, such as chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery are decreasingly likely to cure Rucker. However, they can extend his life, and he can resume a good quality of life. We will not stop looking for alternative measures to treat his disease. There are incredible results happening in the field of immunotherapy, which is where we are focusing our sights currently. His disease is so rare, and lacking many of the common markers necessary for targeting by immunotherapy, but we are continuing our search for something in that arena that may answer our prayers for Rucker. 

Rucker is an amazing kid. He is such a genuinely kind and sweet soul. He is responsible, a rule follower, brave, funny, and stubborn (a perfect combination of the best of Katie and me). He is generally adorable in every way. He has had quite the summer as Katie outlined in our last post. For that, we are truly thankful. He has been a kid and enjoyed all that life has to offer this summer.     

We will not stop the fight. We are determined to seek out the best advice, find the best treatment and persevere against all odds. We ask that you stay positive. We ask that you only impart strength in our direction, and especially in his. We ask that Rucker only see positivity in his interactions with others. We ask that if you have children that know Rucker, you shield them from the harsh reality of his situation. Rucker knows he has cancer… and he knows we work hard every day to make him healthy. Graciously, he still does not think much more deeply about it than that, and the topic of mortality has not entered his mind. We pray that continues. 

Rucker wants to be treated like every other kid. I believe of all that he has been through, he is most tired of being treated differently. He recently said to me “Daddy, does everyone know who I am?” To which I replied, “Well buddy, I think a lot of people love you and support you, so yes, many people know your name.” Although it seems impossible, please treat him with love and support, but above all else, normalcy. 

We ask for your prayers, well wishes and positivity from wherever you source it. When you pray for Rucker, please ask for his healing, comfort, and normal quality of life. Of course, we pray for that life to stretch well beyond the rest of us.

We love our family and our community. Without you all we would not have made it this far.  It is with an extremely heavy heart that I write this to you all. However, we will not quit, will not relent, and will not succumb to despair. We resolve to enjoy every moment we are lucky to have with Rucker.






The Sweet Spot