Update: 8.26.19 - New treatment plan

Rucker will begin his new treatment plan tomorrow. First we will do preliminary scans and tests, then begin a chemotherapy called Trabectedin, which has shown some efficacy for advanced soft tissue sarcoma. The drug is intended to keep the cancer cells from multiplying. We are still awaiting the genomic testing that is being done in California, from which we may learn more about his tumors with the hope of finding something present in them that may be targetable. 

Rucker’s plan will consist of 24hr infusions of the drug once every three weeks. This drug is supposed to be more tolerable than his previous chemotherapy agents and should allow him to live a pretty normal life during the treatment.   

We feel very fortunate to have found a great resource at Stanford, in Dr. Sheri Spunt. She has an extensive background in soft tissue sarcoma and is on the leading edge of many experimental therapies. We are so thankful that she has offered her expertise to us and is a part of Rucker’s team. For the past few weeks, she and our primary oncologist at Children’s of Alabama, Dr. Aman Wadhwa, have been working together to determine the best course of action for Rucker’s treatment. 

We are in uncharted waters with his rare disease, with no proven path to take that hasn’t been already tried. We feel confident that we have the right team of people steering the ship and deliberating the options. We have other potential turns in this journey and other possible therapies to attempt if this isn’t effective. We are using every available resource to help us navigate this. 

Katie and I thank every one of you for support, prayers, positive energy, and actions. We are constantly uplifted and strengthened by our family, friends, co-workers, and community. 


Long Overdue Update (We Know!)


August 16, 2019 Update