It’s time to make a difference, together.
Our Goal is to Raise $5 Million Dollars
We are Making an Impact!
All donations will go directly to carrying out the mission of the Rucker Collier Foundation.
Tax receipts will be sent out to all donors by Foundation Source for your record keeping purposes.
Or, please send tax-deductible donations to:
Rucker Collier Foundation
c/o Foundation Source
55 Walls Drive
Fairfield, CT 06824
(For further instructions including wire instructions or how make donations with securities in-kind please call
1-800-839-1754 to speak with someone at Foundation Source who will help)
Tax receipts will be sent out to all donors by Foundation Source for your record keeping purposes.
Our foundation’s mission will endure for many years to come. We would be honored for you to consider making a multi-year pledge to help us achieve it.
Please make this pledge in addition to any first year donations. We will be sure to email you a reminder of your pledge annually upon Rucker’s birthday, June 9th.
Making a Grant from a Donor-Advised Fund:
•Some donor-advised fund sponsors may allow a grant to a private foundation. If that is the case, our preference would be a check made out to the aforementioned address.
•Many donor-advised fund sponsors disallow grants to be made to a private foundation (which the Rucker Collier Foundation is). We have set up a fund for the Rucker Collier Foundation with the NCF of Alabama to accommodate such grants. These funds will also directly support our mission. Please instruct your donor-advised fund sponsor to make a grant to:
National Christian Foundation of Alabama
Purpose: Rucker Collier Foundation
400 Office Park Drive
Suite 201
Birmingham, AL 35223