Patient, Hopeful, Grounded

Friends, family, and extended support team of Rucker Collier - 

This is Rucker’s “Annie” sending you an update on behalf of Katie and John.

As you may be aware, Rucker has had a rough summer.  The disease progressed into his central nervous system, which caused him to experience some significant neurological issues - ex. headaches, lower limb movement problems, vision impairment, lethargy, etc.  He has been uncomfortable for most of the summer, and it has weighed heavily on Katie and John.

Last Thursday at MD Anderson, he received a second round of a trial drug designed to treat the disease in his central nervous system.  The drug was administered successfully, and Rucker has been resting peacefully (most of the time) at home with Katie, John, and Charlie.

At this point, everything that CAN be done HAS been done, so we are waiting patiently.  We are hoping and praying for a sign of improvement in Rucker’s condition.  It is possible that the therapy may yet have a benefit, and if it does, John and Katie have their next steps planned out.  However, they are also grounded in the reality of the situation and know that they may likely be nearing the end of this journey.  

We graciously request your continued thoughts and prayers to help the Colliers through this next phase.  Please pray for:

  • Rucker to have relief from neurological issues;

  • Rucker to tolerate the 2nd treatment well and, most importantly, for the treatment to make progress in combating the disease;

  • Peace, comfort, continued positivity and resolve for Rucker, Katie, John and Charlie.  

We also request a little space for Katie and John.  While they wish to be able to keep friends and supporters informed, their situation is changing rapidly and they are beginning to encounter difficult moments and conversations, which make sharing frequent updates challenging.  

Their steadfastness and positivity through this journey has been otherworldly, and I know it will continue to be.  But for now, please feel free to reach out to Clark and Phyllis, Debbie, Lauren, Lindsey, Maggie, Will or myself anytime for updates.

Thank you to each and every one of you for the outpouring of love and support.  We all feel it and are extremely grateful.

Annie B.


Thumbs Up Ruck

