Our Medical Advisory Board

Our Medical Advisory Board is comprised of experts that Rucker’s parents called upon during their journey to cure Rucker. Either from the clinical or scientific community, these are some of the most valued experts John and Katie relied upon in their fight for Rucker’s life. These experts continue to help the foundation stay informed with the ever-changing landscape of pediatric oncology and rare sarcoma research.


George is a long-time friend of the Collier family who became a trusted, knowledgeable part of Rucker’s team. His background in molecular oncology research along with his MD made him much more than a great friend. He was a trusted resource for John and Katie as they navigated the many decisions they had to make along the way.

Treatment for Sclerosing Epithelioid Fibrosarcoma

George Atkinson, MD

Dr. Atkinson graduated from Vanderbilt University with a BS in Bioethics and then attended the Medical Scientist Training Program (MSTP) at the University of Alabama in Birmingham. There, he earned a PhD in the department of Cell Biology for his work in the signaling of glioblastoma multiforme brain tumors. In conjunction with his graduate work, he completed his MD and developed an interest in Pediatrics. He completed his Pediatrics residency at the Tufts Floating Hospital for Children in 2014 and has worked as a general pediatrician in the Boston area since then. He has a particular interest in dietary counseling around obesity and exercise science.


Dr. Orentas is a member of the pediatric oncology scientific research community that became a trusted friend and ally of John. They spoke often as John searched for many new and upcoming treatment options. Dr. Orentas’ input was instrumental in keeping John focused on the most promising directions of future therapies.

Pediatric Oncologist

Rimas Orentas, PhD

Children's Title: Director, Ben Towne Center for Childhood Cancer Research

Academic Title: Professor, Pediatrics, University of Washington School of Medicine

Research Center: Ben Towne Center for Childhood Cancer Research

"My passion is to understand how the immune system can be brought to bear on childhood cancer. Using the advanced tools that genomics provides, and the ability to engineer T cells with gene vectors, our lab works to unravel the defense mechanisms that tumors employ to avoid detection and elimination, and to engineer T cells to recognize and destroy malignant cells, with a special emphasis on solid tumors like rhabdomyosarcoma, osteosarcoma and neuroblastoma."

Seattle Children's Hospital

Dr. Spunt is a leading expert in pediatric soft-tissue sarcomas. Rucker’s parents found her in their search for the best of the best and she volunteered to join Rucker’s clinical team when he had his recurrence. Her extensive expertise was an invaluable part of Rucker’s care and clinical decision making.

symptoms epithelioid sarcoma

Sheri Spunt, MD

Endowed Professor of Pediatric Oncology

Pediatrics - Hematology & Oncology

Practices at Lucile Packard Children's Hospital

Clinical Focus

  • Sarcoma, Soft Tissue

  • Hematology/Oncology

Academic Appointments

Administrative Appointments

  • Division Chief, Pediatric Hematology/Oncology, Stanford University School of Medicine (2014 - 2017)

  • Associate Chair - Clinical, Department of Pediatrics, Stanford University School of Medicine (2013 - 2017)

Stanford University Oncology

Dr. Wadhwa was Rucker’s primary oncologist who treated him from diagnosis and was with him and his parents until the very end. No matter where their search took them, Dr. Wadhwa was John and Katie’s guiding hand throughout their journey. He cared for Rucker and went above and beyond the call of duty many times.

Schlerosing Epithelioid Fibrosarcoma Doctor

Aman Wadhwa, MD, MSPH

Facility: UAB Division of Hematology and Oncology

Children's Title: Instructor

Academic Title: Instructor

Specialty: Hematology/Oncology

Other Titles

Member, Institute for Cancer Outcomes and Survivorship

Children of Alabama

Dr. Wedekind Malone proved to be a valuable resource as Rucker’s parents searched far and wide for help. John consulted with her about multiple clinical choices that they were facing. She brings along with her many resources and expertise at the NIH and the NCI, and we are pleased to be partnering with these institutions in their rare tumor programs to study SEF.

Pediatric Oncologist for Sclerosing Epithelioid Fibrosarcoma

Mary Frances Wedekind Malone, M.D.

Assistant Research Physician

Pediatric Oncology Branch

Dr. Wedekind Malone is a pediatric oncologist with expertise in immunotherapy and developing clinical trials for pediatric sarcomas and rare tumors. She is involved in the NCI's My Pediatric and Adult Rare Tumor (MyPART) network. MyPART is a group of scientists, patients, family members, advocates, and healthcare providers who want to help find treatments for rare cancers.

Areas of Expertise

1) pediatric oncology, 2) immunotherapy, 3) pediatric sarcomas, 4) rare tumors

CD24 Cancer Research