Your Prayers are Working! Keep them Coming!

Wow. I cannot begin to muster the energy tonight to type out what all has happened over the last 48-72 hours, but it has been a roller coaster of events and emotions, with Rucker leading the way! We have gone from the Oncology floor (8QB), to Special Care, to the ICU, and back to 8QB. Rucker’s condition declined very rapidly on Tuesday night/Wednesday morning. We almost lost him. Radiation was totally off the table, and we were faced with some very terrifying and incredibly difficult decisions, sometimes with only minutes to make them.

But Rucker is a tenacious little FIGHTER. And he battled HARD yesterday. Slowly but surely, he stabilized all on his own and - amazingly - was able to make it to radiation (barely). Today he is a little stronger and was able to get his second of five rounds of radiation. He is more alert and in less pain.

YOUR PRAYERS ARE WORKING. John and I cannot begin to thank you all for the amazing love and support you continue to provide us. We are so grateful to be fighting another day with this amazing child and with our army of supporters behind us. We were beyond touched by the prayer vigil that took place in our driveway last night - John and I watched it on our security camera from the hospital with a beautiful sunset behind us. We both just sat there, at the end of the most intense day, exhausted and crying, unable to fathom how many people are fervently hoping and praying for our son to heal. THERE IS HOPE.

Thank you. Thank you. Please keep doing what you’re doing. It fuels us to keep going.




Prayers Needed