Thank You

Friends and Family:

We know that we owe our supporters an update on Rucker's health. First, we'd like to express our gratitude for all of the support you have shown us. We are truly humbled by all of the the well-wishes, prayers, visits, meals and gifts. We are grateful to be surrounded by so much love. We have a long road ahead of us and we need all of the prayers and positivity we can get.

By now, many of you know that Rucker has been diagnosed with cancer. That’s a tough draw for a 4 year old, to say the least. After 2 weeks of tests (open biopsy, DNA, PET scan, etc.) and analysis, the doctors are confident that Rucker has stage IV clear cell sarcoma of the kidney ("CCSK"). However, the final confirming diagnosis is taking longer than expected because CCSK is a rare cancer in children that is often times difficult to diagnose. Less than 20 new cases of CCSK are diagnosed each year. The good news is that childhood cancers are much more treatable, and have a significantly higher survival rate, than those in adults.

From a medical and emotional standpoint, Rucker is doing really well, all things considered. Although he has a broken leg (which is luckily what led to the discovery of his cancer) and is in a cumbersome cast, he has been in great spirits. He has been surrounded by mountains of toys, cousins, aunts and uncles, grandparents, and friends. The doctors and nurses at Children's Hospital have all been amazing, and the oncology ward is world class.

Now that there is conviction in the diagnosis, we can finally begin treatment. Rucker was re-admitted to Quarterback Floor 8 at Children's today for his first round of chemotherapy. The doctors expect his treatment to last 8-10 months, and it will include chemotherapy, surgery to remove his left kidney and the tumor, and radiation. While we know we have a long road ahead of us, we have kept a positive outlook from day one. We have full confidence in our oncology team and their plan to cure Rucker.

It has been difficult to find time to communicate our gratitude to everyone for their support and prayers during these past several weeks, but we want you all to know we have read/heard every message, letter, email, voicemail, etc. and we are incredibly thankful to have you all behind us. We couldn't get through this difficult journey without you.


Rucker Update


Rucker’s Timeline of Events