Rucker Update

Hi Everyone - 

I'm sending an update on Katie's behalf, so that you have the latest info on Rucker:

As of Katie's post 2 weeks ago, Rucker's doctors were working under the assumption that Rucker's cancer was clear cell sarcoma of the kidney (CCSK), and we were awaiting final confirmation on the diagnosis.  

It has been a complicated diagnostic process, and as of right now, CCSK has been ruled out, and his cancer is being classified as an undifferentiated sarcoma.  (This means that the cancerous cells don't resemble cells found in the body tissues in which they develop - in Rucker's case, his kidney.)  

We are still awaiting pathology results from multiple places around the country to provide additional opinions on the diagnosis so that the most-effective treatment plan can be determined.

For the time being, no changes have been made to Rucker's treatment plan.  He has completed 3 chemotherapy treatments to date with his 3rd treatment being yesterday.  As Katie shared earlier, the expectation is that these treatments will continue for the next 8-10 months until the kidney tumor is sufficiently reduced to allow for surgery. 

The past several weeks have been trying for everyone involved.  Sweet Rucker is still in his cast from his broken leg and is struggling with his appetite and general sluggish-ness due to the chemo.  The atmosphere around the Collier house, however, is consistently upbeat.  Katie & John are doing everything in their power to make the right decisions for Rucker's care and keep spirits high.  

Katie is staying on top of his daily regimen like nobody's business.  It's a lot (you should see her notes!), but she makes it look effortless and is doing an incredible job of keeping Rucker as comfortable as possible while the chemo does its job.

And speaking of "jobs", this is Katie's new job.  She is taking an indefinite leave of absence from Maynard Cooper to focus on Rucker and her family.  This obviously comes with regret, as she loves her job, her co-workers, and her clients, but this is the best and only way forward right now.  She is immensely grateful for the kindness and flexibility from the firm at this critical time.

Rucker and the Colliers are only a few steps into this journey and need your continued support, so please keep them all in your thoughts and prayers.  And not to speak for them, but I feel safe saying that they are humbled and incredibly appreciative of the kindness & thoughtfulness you all have shared so far.  

Many, many thanks -
Ann B. 


Rucker Update


Thank You